
The technical documentation of the sensorconnect microservice, which reads data from sensors and sends them to the MQTT or Kafka broker.

Sensorconnect automatically detects ifm gateways connected to the network and reads data from the connected IO-Link sensors.

How it works

Sensorconnect continuosly scans the given IP range for gateways, making it effectively a plug-and-play solution. Once a gateway is found, it automatically download the IODD files for the connected sensors and starts reading the data at the configured interval. Then it processes the data and sends it to the MQTT or Kafka broker, to be consumed by other microservices.

If you want to learn more about how to use sensors in your asstes, check out the retrofitting section of the UMH Learn website.

IODD files

The IODD files are used to describe the sensors connected to the gateway. They contain information about the data type, the unit of measurement, the minimum and maximum values, etc. The IODD files are downloaded automatically from IODDFinder once a sensor is found, and are stored in a Persistent Volume. If downloading from internet is not possible, for example in a closed network, you can download the IODD files manually and store them in the folder specified by the IODD_FILE_PATH environment variable.

If no IODD file is found for a sensor, the data will not be processed, but sent to the broker as-is.

Kubernetes resources

  • StatefulSet: united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect
  • Secret:
    • Kafka: united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect-kafka-secrets
    • MQTT: united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect-mqtt-secrets
  • PersistentVolumeClaim: united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect-claim


You can configure the IP range to scan for gateways, and which message broker to use, by setting the values of the parameters in the _000_commonConfig.datasources.sensorconnect section of the Helm chart values file.

The default values of the other parameters are usually good for most use cases, but you can change them in the Danger Zone section of the Helm chart values file.

Environment variables

Environment variables
Variable nameDescriptionTypeAllowed valuesDefault
ADDITIONAL_SLEEP_TIME_PER_ACTIVE_PORT_MSAdditional sleep time between pollings for each active portfloatAny0.0
ADDITIONAL_SLOWDOWN_MAPJSON map of values, allows to slow down and speed up the polling time of specific sensorsJSONSee below[]
DEBUG_ENABLE_FGTRACEEnables the use of the fgtrace library. Not reccomended for productionstringtrue, falsefalse
DEVICE_FINDER_TIMEOUT_SECHTTP timeout in seconds for finding new devicesintAny1
DEVICE_FINDER_TIME_SECTime interval in seconds for finding new devicesintAny20
IODD_FILE_PATHFilesystem path where to store IODD filesstringAny valid Unix path/ioddfiles
IP_RANGEThe IP range to scan for new sensorstringAny valid IP in CIDR notation192.168.10.1/24
KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERURL of the Kafka broker. Port is requiredstringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub-kafka:9092
KAFKA_SSL_KEY_PASSWORDThe encrypted password of the SSL key. If empty, no password is usedstringAny""
LOGGING_LEVELDefines which logging level is used, mostly relevant for developersstringPRODUCTION, DEVELOPMENTPRODUCTION
LOWER_POLLING_TIME_MSTime in milliseconds to define the lower bound of time between sensor pollingintAny20
MAX_SENSOR_ERROR_COUNTAmount of errors before a sensor is temporarily disabledintAny50
MICROSERVICE_NAMEName of the microservice (used for tracing)stringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect
MQTT_BROKER_URLURL of the MQTT broker. Port is requiredstringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub-mqtt:1883
MQTT_CERTIFICATE_NAMESet to NO_CERT to allow non-encrypted MQTT access, or to USE_TLS to use TLS encryptionstringUSE_TLS, NO_CERTUSE_TLS
POLLING_SPEED_STEP_DOWN_MSTime in milliseconds subtracted from the polling interval after a successful pollingintAny1
POLLING_SPEED_STEP_UP_MSTime in milliseconds added to the polling interval after a failed pollingintAny20
SENSOR_INITIAL_POLLING_TIME_MSAmount of time in milliseconds before starting to request sensor data. Must be higher than LOWER_POLLING_TIME_MSintAny100
SUB_TWENTY_MSSet to 1 to allow LOWER_POLLING_TIME_MS of under 20 ms. This is not recommended as it might lead to the gateway becoming unresponsive until a manual rebootint0, 10
TESTIf enabled, the microservice will use a test IODD file from the filesystem to use with a mocked sensor. Only useful for development.stringtrue, falsefalse
TRANSMITTERIDSerial number of the cluster (used for tracing)stringAnydefault
UPPER_POLLING_TIME_MSTime in milliseconds to define the upper bound of time between sensor pollingintAny1000
USE_KAFKAIf enabled, uses Kafka as a message brokerstringtrue, falsetrue
USE_MQTTIf enabled, uses MQTT as a message brokerstringtrue, falsefalse

Slowdown map

The ADDITIONAL_SLOWDOWN_MAP environment variable allows you to slow down and speed up the polling time of specific sensors. It is a JSON array of values, with the following structure:

    "serialnumber": "000200610104",
    "slowdown_ms": -10
    "url": "",
    "slowdown_ms": 20
    "productcode": "AL13500",
    "slowdown_ms": 20.01
Last modified June 7, 2023: build: version 0.9.13 (bc08e78)