Release Process

This page describes how to release a new version of the United Manufacturing Hub.

Releases are coordinated by the United Manufacturing Hub team. All the features and bug fixes due for a release are tracked in the internal project board.

Once all the features and bug fixes for a release are ready and merged into the main branch, the release process can start.


The prerelease process is used to test the release before it is published. If bugs are found during the prerelease, they can be fixed and the release process can be restarted. Once the prerelease is finished, the release can be published.

  1. Create a prerelease branch from main:

    git checkout main
    git pull
    git checkout -b <next-version>-prerelease1
  2. Update the version and appVersion fields in the Chart.yaml file to the next version:

    version: <next-version>-prerelease1
    appVersion: <next-version>-prerelease1
  3. Navigate to the deployment/helm-repo directory and run the following commands:

    helm package ../united-manufacturing-hub
    helm repo index --url https://v<next-version> --merge index.yaml .

    Pay attantion to use - instead of . as a separator in <next-version>.

  4. Commit and push the changes:

    git add .
    git commit -m "build: <next-version>-prerelease1"
    git push origin <next-version>-prerelease1


All the new releases must be thoroughly tested before they can be published. This includes specific tests for the new features and bug fixes, as well as general tests for the whole stack.

General tests include, but are not limited to:

  • Deploy the stack with flatcar
  • Upgrade the stack from the previous version
  • Deploy the stack on Karbon 300 and test with real sensors

If any bugs are found during the testing phase, they must be fixed and pushed to the prerelease branch. Multiple prerelease versions can be created if necessary.


Once all the tests have passed, the release can be published. Merge the prerelease branch into main and create a new release branch.

  1. Create a release branch from main:

    git checkout main
    git pull
    git checkout -b <next-version>
  2. Update the version and appVersion fields in the Chart.yaml file to the next version:

    version: <next-version>
    appVersion: <next-version>
  3. Navigate to the deployment/helm-repo directory and run the following commands:

    helm package ../united-manufacturing-hub
    helm repo index --url --merge index.yaml .
  4. Commit and push the changes, tagging the release:

    git add .
    git commit -m "build: <next-version>"
    git tag <next-version>
    git push origin <next-version> --tags
  5. Merge the release branch into main and create a new release from the tag on GitHub.

Last modified June 7, 2023: build: version 0.9.13 (bc08e78)