Setup Local Environment

This document describes how to set up your local environment for contributing to the United Manufacturing Hub.

The following instructions describe how to set up your local environment for contributing to the United Manufacturing Hub.

You can use any text editor or IDE. However, we recommend using JetBrains GoLand.


The following tools are required to contribute to the United Manufacturing Hub. Use the links to install the correct version for your operating system. We recommend using a package manager where possible (for Windows, we recommend using Chocolatey).

  • Git
  • Go version 1.19 or later
  • Docker version 20.10 or later
  • kubectl version 1.26 or later
  • Helm version 3.11 or later
  • k3d version 5.0 or later
  • GNU C Compiler version 12 or later. The gcc binaries must be in your PATH environment variable, and the go variable CGO_ENABLED must be set to 1. You can check this by running go env CGO_ENABLED in your terminal.

Other tools that are not required, but are recommended:

Fork the documentation repository

If you are not a member of the United Manufacturing Hub organization, you will need to fork the repository to your own GitHub account. This is done by clicking the Fork button in the top-right corner of the united-manufacturing-hub/united-manufacturing-hub repository page.

Clone the repository

Clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone<user>/united-manufacturing-hub.git
# or: git clone<user>/united-manufacturing-hub.git

Where <user> is your GitHub username, or united-manufacturing-hub if you are a member of the United Manufacturing Hub organization.

If you are not a member of the United Manufacturing Hub organization, you will need to add the upstream repository as a remote:

git remote add origin
# or: git remote add upstream

# Never push to upstream master
git remote set-url --push origin no_push

Install dependencies

Download the go dependencies:

make go-deps

Build the container images

These are the make targets to manage containers:

# Build the container images
make docker-build

# Push the container images
make docker-push

# Build and push the container images
make docker

You can pass the following variables to change the behavior of the make targets:

  • CTR_REPO: The container repository to push the images to. Defaults to
  • CTR_TAG: The tag to use for the container images. Defaults to latest.
  • CTR_IMG: Space-separated list of container images. Defaults to all the images in the deployment directory.

Run a cluster locally

To run a local cluster, run:

# Create a cluster that runs the latest version of the United Manufacturing Hub
make cluster-install

# Create a cluster that runs the local version of the United Manufacturing Hub
make cluster-install CHART=./deployment/helm/united-manufacturing-hub

You can pass the following variables to change the behavior of the make targets:

  • CLUSTER_NAME: The name of the cluster. Defaults to umh.
  • CHART: The Helm chart to use. Defaults to united-manufacturing-hub/united-manufacturing-hub.
  • VERSION: The version of the Helm chart to use. Default is empty, which means the latest version.
  • VALUES_FILE: The Helm values file to use. Default is empty, which means the default values.


To run the unit tests, run:

make go-test-unit

To run e2e tests, run:

make helm-test-upgrade

# To run the upgrade test with data
make helm-test-upgrade-with-data

Other useful commands

# Display the help for the Makefile
make help

# Pass the PRINT_HELP=y flag to make to print the help for each target
make cluster-install PRINT_HELP=y

What’s next

Last modified June 7, 2023: build: version 0.9.13 (bc08e78)